ANNA Northern New England Chapter 131

FREE CE Program from ANNA!!!!!!

Posted about 8 years ago by Jennifer Bussiere

ANNA is offering members the opportunity to earn FREE contact hours.

If you are not and ANNA Member become one today! You can still view the webinar as a non-member by clickling the hyperlink below.

- Click play and view the session. Then, if you'd like CE....become a member to redeem your free CE code. If you are already and ANNA member click the link below.

- Click here and redeem the code annaVLD1 to earn 1.25 contact hours (FREE!)

- Then, and this is the important part – to receive an additional .25 contact hours, AND to help your chapter, answer the questions below with at least 3-4 sentence answers. Post your answers in Our Community section (Chapter 131) in ANNA Connected. -or-

You can log into your ANNA Connected account, or go to the email that was sent out by Celess Tyrell on March 3rd and click on the blue "Reply to Group" link from your email. Unfortunately I cannot provide that link in this announcement.

The deadline for participation to receive the "extra credit" is March 15.

Using Evidence to Decrease the Incidence of Infections in Nephrology Patient Populations

Discussion Questions:
1. What can be done to improve the collaboration between nurses and managers to further improve the safety of patients in the dialysis unit?
2. Compared to how you were trained when you began in dialysis, do you see newer nurses being trained more effectively, similarly or less effectively currently?
3. What one area from this presentation surprised you, or made an impact on how you view infection control in the dialysis facility?

Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm here to help!

Jennifer Bussiere RN CDN

Secretary, Chapter 131